
Braun, E.L. 2001. Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America. Caldwell, NJ: The Blackburn Press. 596 p.

Davis, M.B. 1996. Eastern Old-Growth Forests. Washington, DC: Island Press. 383 p.

Freedman, B. 1989. Environmental Ecology. Toronto: Academic Press. 424 p.

Harrison, G. 2006. Nature’s Way. Gagetown, NB: Earthwood Editions. 188 p

Lindenmayer, D.B and J.F. Franklin. 2002. Conserving Forest Biodiversity. Washington, DC: Island Press. 351 p.

Maine Forest Service. 2009. Forest Trees of Maine, Centennial Edition. Department of Conservation, Maine Forest Service. 176 p.

Robinson, G. 1988. The Forest and the Trees: A Guide to Excellent Forestry. Washington, DC: Island Press. 257 p.

Smith, D. 1962. The Practice of Silviculture. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 578 p.

Simpson, J. 2008. Restoring the Acadian Forest. Tantallon, NS: Four East Publications. 154 p.

Walker, L.C. 1990. Forests: A Naturalist’s Guide to Trees and Forest Ecology. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 288 p.

Additional Resources:

NS Department of Natural Resources

Forest Professionals
Registered Professional Foresters Association of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Forest Technicians Association

Woodlot owner organizations
Federation of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners

Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Forest Fiber Producers Association

Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association

Harvesting and silviculture contractors
Forest Service Directory

Silviculture assistance

Association for Sustainable Forestry

Woodlot road assistance

Forest Products Association of Nova Scotia